Vedas and Upanishads - A Brief Histrory
"Truth is One" one hymn proclaims," though the wise call it by many names" The I ndus Valley Civilization was an ancient civilization located in what is Pakistan and northwest India today, on the fertile flood plain of the Indus River and its vicinity. Evidence of religious practices in this area date back approximately to 5500 BCE. Their religion is based on ritual sacrifice, with lyrical, life-affirming hymns meant for incarnation in an ancient form of Sanskrit . "These hymns, reveal an intimate, almost mystical bond between worshipper and environment, a simultaneous sense of awe and kinship with the spirit that dwells in all things". They worship natural forces and elemental powers of life: Sun and Wind , Storm and Rain , Dawn and Night , Earth and Heaven , Fire and Offering . These powers are the Devas, Gods and Goddesses sometimes recognizable in other religions. In the hymns seem very near, present before us in the form...